Meeting every Sunday Night at 6:30 PM...come check us out! Map >
From our Troop
We Have been Scouting!
We are a very active troop in both helping the community and enjoying the outdoors! We Camp, Hike, Bike, Ski and much more somewhere in Maine almost every month and when we are not doing that we are doing something to prepare our scouts or help the community.
We have food drives and do many other Community Projects all year long in Orono, Veazie and Old Town!
We Thank the American Legion Post 84
​Established in 1919 they sponsor our troop and provide us our winter home and year around Support!
We Need You!
Orono Troop 478 is a 100 year old Boy Scout Troop with a strong membership and a great heritage! We meet most Sunday nights at 6:30... Summers we meet at Scout Hall on Main St. Orono and Winters at the American Legion Hall in Orono.
Troop 478 Orono
Or Call Brian at 207-299-0742
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FOOD DRIVES and other community projects throughout